Transformational Groups




 Transformational Groups

to your ONE::FAMILY of like minded individuals who are all Rising With Love.

Explore the smaller ONE::FAMILY groups where participants transform together, creating deep & lasting bonds.

These incredible groups of Infinite Beings having a human experience show up to support each other in doing the spiritual work, together.

In each transformational group, you receive powerful mentorship & coaching to meet you where you are at on the journey from the head to the heart.


Women on a mission to serve the love and light in All, starting with their Self.

Women in their mid-40s to 60s evolving their ONE:RELATIONSHIP to their Self as well as purpose driven legacy work.

These intimate small groups meet IN PERSON in Marin County, CA.

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Women entrepreneurs on a mission to serve the love and light in All through their Self, the Genius coming through them into business, and their services and offers to the world.

Women in their 30s to 50s walking their spiritual path and evolving their ONE::RELATIONSHIP to Self as well as business to create an Empire.

 This group meets on Zoom.

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Connect, grow, evolve, together.  ONE::CIRCLE engages your heart, mind, body, spirit for powerful connection and transformation, wherever you are in your life.

We explore natural higher states of consciousness and the spiritual path, live and IN PERSON every other Tuesday evening in Marin County, CA.

ONE::CIRCLE gatherings are OPEN TO ALL and are DONATION BASED.

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With Dad Doula: Sebastian

For Expecting & New Dads to Learn & Grow, Together

Sebastian consciously chose to be a great dad and now facilitates this men's group to support expecting and new fathers along their path of conscious fatherhood.

Because the world needs even more great dads.

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Evolve the Divine Masculine




Radical Honesty

Spiritual Partnerships 

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Creators Rising Up Conscious Business

Conscious leaders applying spiritual principles, magnetism (not marketing), and consciousness research to create, grow, and sustain businesses that have an exponentially greater impact on ONE::HUMANITY and ONE::WORLD.

The Empire Incubator is a mastermind for true Wealth Consciousness: wealth (& health) for All.

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